250-Year-Old Musket Ball
Credit: NPS

Concord, Mass. – National Park Service (NPS) archeologists at Minute Man National Historical Park have unearthed five musket balls fired during the “Shot Heard Round the World” on April 19, 1775. These artifacts, found during preparations for the park’s Great American Outdoors Act project, were fired by colonial militia at British forces during the North Bridge fight, a key event marking the start of the American Revolutionary War.

“It’s incredible that we can stand here and hold what amounts to just a few seconds of history that changed the world almost 250 years ago,” said Minute Man Park Ranger Jarrad Fuoss.

The musket balls will be on display during Archeology Day at Minute Man NHP on Saturday, July 13. Events include viewing the musket balls, interactive tours, and talks by experts in battlefield archeology and historic arms.

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