A fifth episode of the Kilaeua eruption began yesterday at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. The eruptions, which first began on December 23, 2024, have been a spectacular sight, drawing visitors from across the islands and mainland U.S. But it doesn’t come without risks. “Vog” is a looming threat, and during the fourth episode of the eruption, officials issued a warning for what’s called “Pele’s hair.”
Shortly after the fourth episode of the eruption began, the park service reported, “Over the past 24 hours, persistent lava fountaining, coupled with Kona wind conditions, has resulted in Pele’s hair falling on nearby communities, along with tephra [airborne pyroclastic material] fall at Uekahuna Overlook and within the closed area of the National Park.”
Watch a livestream of the eruption
Updates on the eruption
The first eruption episode on Dec. 23 lasted 14 hours. The second episode started the next day and lasted about 24 hours. The longest episode, the third one, began on Dec. 27, 2024, and ended on Jan. 3, 2025. The fourth and most recent episode began on Jan. 15 and ended on Jan. 18. Kīlauea summit eruptive activity resumed for the fifth time on January 22.
“Small lava dome fountains in the north vent are feeding short lava flows in the southwest part of the caldera. Volcanic gas emissions are elevated compared to during the eruptive pause,” According to an Instagram update from @usgsvolcanoes.
The north and south vents have been erupting periodically, and the activity remains confined within the Kaluapele summit caldera.
Previous eruptions on Kilauea have lasted anywhere from a few weeks to an entire year. For now, the eruption remains paused, but the Hawai’i Volcano Observatory said there is a high probability that a fifth fountaining episode could begin again this week.
Vog and Pele’s Hair
The primary health concern for visitors and residents is the sulphur dioxide gas which creates vog (volcanic smog). Prolonged exposure to vog can irritate the eyes, throat, and lungs, especially for those with preexisting respiratory conditions, the US Geological Society warned.
The USGS recommends to be aware of the risks of vog and limit exposure by staying inside and avoiding strenuous activities.

Pele’s hair are thin glass fibers formed by gases created during volcanic activity and named after the volcanic deity Pele.
“When bubbles of gas near the surface of a lava flow burst, it can stretch the skin of the molten lava into long threads. Strands of Pele’s hair may be up to a couple feet long, but only one micron (.001 mm) thick,” according to the Hawai’i Volcanoes website.
The strands are fragile and brittle, creating an extreme hazard for slivers in exposed skin and eyes. They can also be easily carried by the wind into surrounding areas, creating mats of fibers in low-lying areas that can be several inches deep.
On their Instagram page, Hawai’i Volcanoes urged visitors to:
👁️ Avoid exposure and contact with skin and eyes.
🚨 Stay out of closed areas! The eruption is in a closed area. Enjoy the view from open overlooks.
🥾Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and closed-toe shoes to reduce skin exposure.
❗ Do not touch or handle Pele’s hair and keep it out of your eyes.
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