Elk antlers shed in late winter, early spring.
Elk antlers shed in late winter, early spring. Credit: Jacob W. Frank / NPS

Elk, moose, and deer across the American West have entered antler shedding season, a natural yearly event where male animals drop their antlers as their hormone levels shift after the rut.

The annual cycle of antler growth begins in spring, when antlers begin rapidly growing, in fact, antlers are the fastest growing bones in the world. Elk antlers grow about one inch per day and moose can regrow as much as a pound of antler per day. 

By the time the fall rut, or mating season, comes around, a healthy male elk in his prime could have an antler spread of four feet, with each antler weighing 20 pounds, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Moose antlers can spread six feet and weigh 40 pounds each. 

These antlers help them compete for dominance in their territories and impress their potential mates. But by the time winter arrives, the decreased sunshine and drop in testosterone levels signals their bodies to drop their antlers. Antler shedding is a natural and painless process for these animals. 

What to do with fallen antlers?

Nature is never one to waste. These fallen antlers are incredible sources of calcium for rodents and other small animals. Even bears, foxes and otters have been known to eat antlers.

Because these antlers are such an important part of the ecosystem, antler shed hunting (the practice of taking antlers off the land for personal or business use) is illegal on public land, and some states require permits to gather antlers. 

Yellowstone National Park reminded visitors on their social media page, “If you’re out in the park and find something fascinating, you can take a picture of it, tell a friend about it, or even write a poem about it– but leave what you find behind. Don’t take antlers, artifacts, rocks, plants, or other objects from the park.”

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Heather Bergeson is a writer and editor based in Utah. Heather has written about travel, sports, business and the outdoors for Utah Life magazine, Utah Business magazine and Moab Sun News. She has a bachelor's...