It’s okay to admit it: you wish you could pet a bear. Sure, we’ve all heard the stories about mauling hikers and stealing food from campsites. But, surely, that’s not all the bears right? Most of the bears are kind spirits of nature, happy to receive some pats from a friendly camper in exchange for […]
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park became the first U.S. national park on March 1, 1872. Today, over 150 years later, the park is still dedicated to helping visitors enjoy hydrothermal and geologic features, diverse wildlife and the unique ecosystem that holds it in balance. The park is larger than both Rhode Island and Delaware combined, so there’s plenty to explore and always something new to see.
Yellowstone is especially famous for its abundance of wildlife and large mammals. Grasslands such as Lamar and Hayden Valley are great places to see herds of buffalo and perhaps even catch sight of moose, bears and wolves.
Basic Information
Entrance Fee: Standard Entrance Pass
Size: Yellowstone encompasses 3,472 square miles (2,221,766 acres) with five entrances ⎯ North Entrance, Northeast Entrance, South Entrance, East Entrance and West Entrance.
Operating Schedule: Few facilities are open year-round and services are limited from early November through late-April.
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